while with break

While loop runs and runs, Break free when the time is right, Control the code flow.

python shell for while with break

While the loop runs true,
Break free when the time is right,
Control the flow of code.

In this Python session, we learned about the while loop with break statements. The while loop is used to repeatedly execute a block of code as long as a specified condition is true, and the break statement is used to exit the loop when that condition is met, allowing the program to continue to the next section of code. This can be useful in scenarios where we want to repeatedly execute a block of code until a certain condition is satisfied, and then stop the loop from executing further. An important edge case to note with while and break is that if the break statement is not used, the while loop will continue indefinitely, creating an infinite loop. Understanding the while loop with break statement is essential for controlling program flow and creating efficient and effective code.