func returns tuple

Functions return tuples Unpack and use multiple Values in Python

python shell for func returns tuple

In Python, we learned today
Of functions that can return a tuple, hooray!
Multiple values it can hold
Unpack and use them, so we’re told
With immutability, we must play.

In this Python session, we explored the concept of a function returning a tuple. We learned that a function can return multiple values by using a tuple, which is a data structure that can hold multiple elements. Using the ‘return’ keyword, a function can return a tuple containing multiple values that can be unpacked and used as needed. This allows us to effectively return and work with more than one value from a function. We also explored how to call a function that returns a tuple and how to work with the returned tuple. It’s important to remember that tuples are immutable, meaning their values cannot be changed once they are created, so we must be mindful of this when working with them. Overall, we learned how to use functions to return tuples, allowing us to work with multiple values efficiently.